Free IELTS Trial Test

Free IELTS Trial Test, including Listening & Reading parts of the exam.
We are pleased to offer you a unique opportunity to take the free IELTS trial test, designed to test your Listening and Reading skills. This test will allow you to evaluate your current knowledge and identify areas that need improvement.
Why should you take our trial test?
- Professional Training: Our educational center has many years of experience in preparing students for the IELTS exam. We know what it takes to achieve high scores.
- Realistic Conditions: The trial test is designed in accordance with the current IELTS standards so that you can feel what awaits you on the real exam.
- Analysis of Results: After completing the test, you will receive a detailed analysis of your results.
- Online Access: You only need to register on our online platform and you will be able to take the test at your convenience.
Description Of The Listening Part
Duration: 30 minutes (plus 10 minutes to reschedule responses)
Structure: Listening consists of four sections, each of which includes 10 questions. In the test, you will hear four different types of recordings: monologues and dialogues on various topics.
Types of Questions:
- Filling in the gaps: You must insert the missing words or phrases in the text based on the material you have listened to.
- Multiple choice: You choose the correct answer from the suggested options.
- Comparison: You compare the information from the listened material with the specified points.
- Short answers: You give short answers to questions based on the material you have heard.
Description of the Reading Part
Duration: 60 minutes
Structure: Reading consists of three sections, each of which contains one long text and includes 40 questions. The texts are taken from books, magazines, newspapers and other sources and cover academic and general topics.
Types of Questions:
- Filling in the gaps: You insert missing words or phrases in the text.
- Multiple choice: Choose the correct answer from the suggested options.
- Comparison: You compare the information from the text with the specified points.
- Short answers: Give short answers to questions based on the text.
- True/False/Not specified: Determine whether the statements correspond to the information in the text.
- Paragraph headings: Select headings for different paragraphs of the text.
Don't miss the chance to prepare for IELTS with professionals! Register for the trial test.